Who We Are - For Everyone

The motto of the United Church of Christ (UCC) is “That all may be one,” based on Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21. In that Spirit, our congregations seek unity with Christ and with one another. We celebrate our diversity and autonomy as each congregation determines its own ministry priorities, theological perspectives, and justice commitments. At the same time, we recognize our covenant with one another. United in God’s love, we are eager to collaborate with sister congregations, denominations, other faiths and community partners to seek a just world for all.
Throughout the nation and world, the UCC works in partnership for peace and justice. This includes racial and economic justice, refugee and immigrant issues, environmental stewardship, and access to food, safe water and healthcare. If you have a passion for justice, let’s see if we can work together.
Trinity UCC has made the commitment to become an Open and Affirming congregation. We welcome LGBTQ+ persons and their families into the full life and leadership of our congregation. We partner with other local UCC congregations in the Gateway Open and Affirming Coalition.