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What We Do for All
Our Mission Statement describes it best!
We, the members of Trinity United Church of Christ in St. Louis, Missouri, believe unity is a keystone to living in the body of Christ.
In the United Church of Christ, unity does not mean conformity. In our diversity, however, we are committed to staying in relationship with one another as we seek to be transformed by the mind of Christ and embody the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives.
Therefore, we live as authentic Christians who embrace our humanity without ignoring God's spirit and accepting all as members of God's family.
Living as “authentic” Christians challenges us to accept ourselves and one another as Jesus did. He was always erasing the boundaries between who was “in” and who was “out.” Today, God’s spirit keeps putting us in the path of those we need to learn to love as much as we love ourselves. Eventually, those boundaries dissolve as we discover we are all part of one human family despite our differences.
From this foundation, we share in God's work through hospitality, outreach, and cooperation, using our creativity, passion and talent to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
We embrace specific practices to help us live into the goal of unity in the spirit of Christ. Among them are:
Hospitality – offering an unconditional welcome to newcomers;
Outreach – reaching out and encountering ones in need of understanding or community;
Cooperation – realizing we can do far more in partnership than we can alone.
We recognize that our creativity, passion and talents are God’s gifts to us – How we use them are our gifts to God.
We welcome all to join us in this endeavor.
If you find yourself seeking meaning and spiritual companionship, we invite you to stop by, drop in, or jump in as the spirit leads you. Visit us on Facebook or in person. Help with a project we are doing. Invite us to get involved with something you care about deeply. We're all in this world together. Let’s cooperate and seek the well-being of our planet and everyone who calls it home.